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SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

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SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a mood disorder which is characterized  by a form of depression that occurs at the same time every year. Seasonal affective disorder occurs in climates where there is less sunlight at certain times of the year. There are over three million people who are affected with SAD.  It is common during the winter months and goes away in the springtime.

This is the time of year it is very challenging for many people. The holidays, the change in time and weather are factors to trigger depression. Certainly living in a pandemic will increase the number of people experiencing depression. The typical ways some people used to battle depression in the past may not be an available resource during this pandemic. Creativity during this time should be explored to decrease depression. Self care is extremely important when dealing with depression. We deny and avoid taking time for ourselves when it comes self care. We make excuses that other commitments and people come first. The truth is if you don’t create and maintain self care you will not be able to serve others efficiently. Remember the last time you slept really good and how rejuvenated you felt? Most likely you probably were more effective in your tasks and had more energy in your day. Taking walks, joining a support group, discovering new hobbies, getting a pet, writing letters to loved ones are things recommended to engage in to help a person’s mood. Believe it or not just helping someone else with a need is a great way to reduce depression. You are not alone. If you are still struggling please consult a physician or a therapist if things are not getting better. Be kind to your mind.


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